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I believe that improving the world begins on a scale so small and so close that it becomes invisible: one's own inner world. From there, one increases one's scale of impact through different actions. Here I tell you how I do it, and I invite you to join me.

"Si tu mejoras, mejoraste la parte del mundo que te correspondía"


I am part of the board of the Secular Humanist Society of Peru, which is part of the large global community represented by Humanist International. Together, we promote secular humanist values, defending human rights and indicating that a better world can be built on the basis of scientific knowledge and empathy for coexistence. 

From our editorial fund we share two digital journals of free access (Futuro Hoy and Revista Humanista) and books related to topics of interest. We also carry out exhibitions, workshops and social aid. All this with the support of Humanist International. I invite you to visit our website and write me if you want to be part of the team.

The children and adolescents of the world matter, and they matter a lot. That is why I am a partner of Unicef Peru, making monthly financial donations to contribute in a different way to their healthy development, through initiatives and projects in favor of Peruvian children and adolescents. These contributions allow them to have their rights respected, to have birth registration, to live in environments with affection and without violence, to drink and use clean water, to have access to quality basic services, to have a school that teaches them their mother tongue, to have adequate health services for pregnant mothers, among other activities. We can help in direct and indirect ways such as donations. In this case, I present Unicef Peru in case you want to join us by following this link. You are just a few clicks away from improving the future of many lives. 



The world you want to see begins to be built within you. Working on your mental health is the best investment you can make. If you improve, you improved your part of the world. The Waking Up app is an excellent tool for personal growth, encouraging mindfulness and master classes on mental health grounded in high quality science and philosophy. In turn, the Making Sense podcast exposes you to extremely important conversations about the present and future of our societies, where the accuracy of the information is guaranteed. Both services are offered by Sam Harris, whom I consider the most valuable living intellectual.  For these reasons, I am a subscriber to the application and the podcast, where I not only get the benefit of quality information for personal and professional growth, but our contributions allow us to generate constant donations to the most effective charities. Here I also offer you another space for you to join, in which everyone wins.

From the Secular Humanist Society of Peru (SSH) we have developed the SSH training center, in which we seek to be an alternative online training center on issues related to the impact of technology on the present and future of societies, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, secular humanism. Through this academic reflection we seek to contribute to the development of analytical, academic and digital education skills. Personally, I will be teaching a short course on existential risks, where I will share with you the most important threats we face as a species and what we can do to safeguard our future and human potential.

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