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What do I devote my thoughts to?

In this section I share with you how I think and feel different aspects of reality through contributions in different platforms. If you want to see my contributions in book forms, you can see them here. I also leave you here my personal blog in which I develop other topics with a more informal approach. 

I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


I hear this question with a frequency that personally and professionally worries me. In this article I make the first attempt to present my psychological critique of astrology in a clear, frontal and respectful way (something absent in the discussions).


​The Covid-19 pandemic showed us, among other things, that we have a hard time cooperating. We find it hard to harmonize beliefs about the world at a time when scientific knowledge should be more respected. Why? We tested an answer by creating a psychological scale to study the counterpart of scientific thinking: pseudoscientific thinking.

Image by Joanna Kosinska

We all know that humans must repair the environmental damage we are causing. There are proposals from science, technology companies and other groups; however, this article reflects on a proposal from parenting.


​What would you do if you found out that a message from an intelligence superior to ours announced its arrival in a few decades? Would it alter your life project? Here I tell you why this is not fiction, but not in the way you expect.


Is a school for parents possible? Is parenting just an art or can it be a science? In this text I share with you my thoughts on the subject.

Niño jugando

Perhaps some of the most important philosophical questions such as "what are we?", "where do we come from?" already have an answer (although they will always be open to revision). However, it is time for us to start working on the answer to another of the great philosophical questions "where are we going?". Here are some elements to start answering it. 


The Covid-19 pandemic revealed a way of coping with uncertainty among the population: with conspiracy beliefs. In this research paper, together with a colleague, we offer an instrument to measure such beliefs for the benefit of the academic community. 

Acuerdo político

New technologies are changing the way we live and understand the world. Artificial intelligence is a field that is as promising as it is worrying. In this interview I ask professor and PhD. in computer science Vanina Martinez about the latest practical and theoretical developments on the ethical use of artificial intelligence in areas that directly impact societies. 


Thanks to the Secular Humanist Society of Peru and "La Manzana Escéptica", the program "Skeptical Dialogues" was developed on YouTube where different topics and critical positions were discussed. In this video, questions about the convenience or not of investing resources to explore space when there are already urgent problems on this planet were addressed. If you want to form an opinion on the subject, this dialogue is highly recommended. 

Nave espacial en orbita

Thanks to the Secular Humanist Society of Peru and "La Manzana Escéptica", the program "Skeptical Dialogues" was developed on YouTube where different topics and critical positions were discussed. In this video, questions about traditional Chinese medicine and its status as scientific knowledge or not were addressed. If you wish to form an opinion on the subject, this dialogue is highly recommended. 


For some people there is the question: How does the scientific approach and supernatural beliefs (magical thinking) coexist in people of science? My thesis work was to explore magical thinking in psychology and psychotherapy professionals, which ended up published in this journal that I share with you and also in a book by order of a European publisher that you can see here

Dados de astrología

Toby Ord, Oxford professor and philosopher, offers us a book that draws the landscape of existential risks we face as a species, as well as the probabilities assigned to each possible catastrophic event (natural or anthropomorphic). In this text you will find my critical opinion on the content of the book.

Cielo nocturno

​The author of the book offers us a meeting of authorized voices on international bioethics, bringing to the forefront various debates on how new technologies make us rethink our coexistence with them and with ourselves. I share with you my critical analysis of the text. 

Amistad entre humanos y robots

The author offers an analysis of the predominant models in treating mental health: psychopharmacological model and psychosocial model. Attending to the age-old mind-brain problem, he allows for an integrative look. In addition to my critical review of the book, I make a call for attention to people engaged in psychotherapy.

Ilustración del cerebro

Psychology historian Ramón León lays out for us the history of psychology up to the present day, pointing out the pressing problems that today's professionals must urgently solve. I share my critical review of the book.

Diseño de medios mixtos

Have you ever wondered if the jokes we make reflect something of our personality? Here's what psychological research has to say about it. 

Amigos en barbacoa

This theoretical contribution seeks to offer explanations as to why people hold and defend conspiracy theories to the detriment of more plausible ones.

Image by Diana Polekhina

Would you know how to identify the "smartest" students in a school? Here is some useful information not to answer that question, but to change that question.

Alumnos de colegio

Have you ever wondered if "lack of love" since childhood has something to do with how that person will treat others when he/she grows up? In this text I comment on the contributions of psychological research on this relationship.


Technology and self-knowledge: the other gap we must bridge.

On one side, technology is growing at an unstoppable pace. On the other hand, our wisdom, our capacity for self-knowledge... is growing? What will happen to this gap between technology and wisdom? In this article I comment on what I think and draw an idea.

Image by Drew Beamer

Quarantine, extraterrestrials and underlying psychology

What do quarantine and extraterrestrial activity have in common from a psychological point of view? We will have to read it, won't we?

Planeta surrealista

Replicas, rejoinders and a future for transhumanism

Have you heard the term before? Transhumanism? This article is intended to clarify it briefly and clean up the term from stereotypes that can generate an automatic rejection. It is important to know what this intellectual movement is and is not about. 

Hombre con una novia amputada en la playa

Science of fiction: a psychological review of its prosocial effects.

What psychological effects are there in people who read fiction literature? and with non-fiction literature? and with science fiction? Here I summarize some discoveries that can give another approach to your reading moments. Finally, I share some comments about a future science fiction committed to social development. 

Astronauta arrodillado

Can we trust genetically modified products?

Thanks to the Secular Humanist Society of Peru and "La Manzana Escéptica", the program "Skeptical Dialogues" was developed on YouTube where different topics and critical positions were discussed. In this video, questions about genetically modified products were addressed. If you want to form an opinion on the subject, this dialogue is highly recommended. 


Thanks to the Secular Humanist Society of Peru and "La Manzana Escéptica", the program "Skeptical Dialogues" was developed on YouTube where different topics and critical positions were discussed. In this video, questions about the "infodemic" during the pandemic were addressed. If you want to form an opinion about it, this dialogue is highly recommended.

Pila de periódicos

Chlorine dioxide, a miracle solution?

Thanks to the Secular Humanist Society of Peru and "La Manzana Escéptica", the program "Skeptical Dialogues" was developed on YouTube where different topics and critical positions were discussed. In this video, questions about the famous sodium dioxide during the early stage of the pandemic were addressed. If you want to form an opinion on the subject, this dialogue is highly recommended.

Medicina de control farmacéutico

Gracias a la Sociedad Secular Humanista del Perú y la Manzana Escéptica, se desarrolló el programa "Diálogos escépticos" en YouTube donde se conversaron sobre distintos temas y posiciones críticas. En este video se abordaron las preguntas en torno un posible futuro cyborg. ¿Quieres saber sus atractivos y desafíos? Si deseas formarte una opinión al respecto, este diálogo es muy recomendable.

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